Frequently asked questions.

What does a reiki therapy session look like?

We will start the session by exploring what your goals and areas of focus in life are as well as a bit about your history. You may wish to share any challenges you are currently facing, and how you would like to use the reiki to help unblock those. If appropriate, I will offer you reiki, inviting you to notice what is happening somatically and emotionally for you during the process. You will experience what is meant to be experienced for you. After the session there is space to share anything that may have come up if this feels right for you.

Is reiki diagnostic?

Reiki is NOT diagnostic. If there are physical health issues, these may become more known during the session, but it is important to seek medical advice when this occurs. Reiki may help highlight what needs to be done and what the best route forwards might be, but it is important to be aware it is not a replacement for physical health treatment.

What is integrative transpersonal psychotherapy?

The psychotherapy I offer is tailored to you as an individual, meaning there are areas of psychodynamic (your history), humanistic (relationships), existential (meaning and purpose) as well as transpersonal, which includes the more spiritual aspect. I work from a basis of ‘health’, meaning I prefer not to diagnose (unless necessary for physical or psychiatric interventions), and I often find that providing a holding, gentle space for clients to explore whatever is happening for them is enough for real, lasting change to occur. I sometimes use creative interventions to identify the ‘root cause’ of suffering, which can include dreamwork and visualisations.

My training was at the Centre for Counselling & Psychotherapy Education (CCPE). This was a five-year training course which included psychiatric training as well as an understanding in the various other psychotherapy modalities. I am qualified to work with trauma, addiction, personality disorders, neurodivergence and PTSD. Many clients present with depression, generalised anxiety or challenges in relationships. Integrative transpersonal psychotherapy works to not only address the symptoms, but also identify and tackle the cause of these adaptations.

What does a reiki session look like?

I will invite you to lie down and gently close your eyes, working down your body as I channel the deeply healing reiki energy which flows to where it is needed. The touch I use is gentle and non-invasive, though if you prefer not to be touched, reiki can also work with hands at a distance from your body. Clients report the sessions as being deeply relaxing and report sensations including a sense of ‘letting go’, ‘release’, as well as visions including colours, images or perhaps old memories.

Does it work?

There is a healing power in this work that is quite real and evidential. During my years working with clients therapeutically I have witnessed tangible and sometimes quite miraculous changes in their lives. Though it can be easy for us to want to find ‘solutions’ ‘out there’ to our problems, when we start to work within, we become more able to see and connect with our true potential for healing.

What do I need to do?

The beauty of this work is actually, very little! You will naturally ‘do’ all that you need to when you show up for your first session. As we work together you will see that you are quite enough and bringing yourself is all that is required.

I’m interested. What are the next steps?

If you are interested in receiving reiki therapy or reiki (currently offered at ‘Centre’ in Deddington), please get in touch to book. These sessions you can book as often as you like and may be booked at a time that suits you during my available hours.

For integrative transpersonal psychotherapy or couples’ counselling (Oxford, Deddington or online), please contact me directly. This work is usually done on a contract basis and I will offer you an initial discussion before we agree to work together.